Within the past few years, CBD has become an incredibly popular substance in the health and wellness industry. As researchers are continuing to learn and understand more about the cannabis plant and its cannabinoids, we’re also learning more about how it works within the human body. Though complex, it appears as though CBD has a much more personal relationship with our biological systems than we may have previously known.
Below, we’re discussing the relationship between CBD and our body’s endocannabinoid system. From what this system is to how CBD pairs with it, we’re covering all the bases. Even if you’ve never heard of the endocannabinoid system before, don’t worry! That’s exactly where we’ll start.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?
The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, is essentially a cell-signaling system that reaches throughout the body. The ECS has known influence over myriad biological functions, such as appetite, mood, sleep, inflammation, and so much more.
Endocannabinoids are molecules your body makes that help keep these functions in check and properly balanced. The two main endocannabinoids that we’ve been able to establish are anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol.
These two molecules’ job is to bind to certain endocannabinoid receptors throughout the body, letting the system know that it needs to kick into action in that certain area. In the body, there are two types of cannabinoid receptors: CB1 receptors, found in the central nervous system, and CB2 receptors, found in the peripheral nervous system.
Essentially, when one of these signals in the system goes off, your endocannabinoids work to do their best to get everything balanced again.
If you aren’t familiar with the endocannabinoid system, that’s normal. This is a system within the human body that was only just discovered a few decades ago. Up until the 90s, researchers had no idea that this system existed, and cannabis’ effects were even more puzzling than they are now. However, once this system was discovered and able to look into more in-depth, answers started to unveil themselves.
How CBD Works Inside Your Body
Of course, your body can only do what it can and, sometimes, it’s going to need a little bit of help. CBD has proven to be that all-natural support. CBD itself is a cannabinoid, and your body produces endocannabinoids, “endo” meaning internal. See the connection?
When consumed, CBD acts similar to how the body’s naturally occurring cannabinoids act. Whenever it sees a place that needs support, CBD will act as that signal, getting your body to naturally produce (or slow the production of) what it needs. This is why so many people have been able to find solace through CBD: when their body can’t quite do what they need it to do, CBD acts as that boost of support.
Like with most things related to the cannabis plant, science is only beginning to understand CBD’s role within the endocannabinoid system-- as well as the ECS as a whole. Researchers still do not have a full grasp on all that the ECS controls, nor do they fully understand how CBD works so flawlessly for some. However, the results are clear.
The Results
The way that CBD acts with the endocannabinoid system is different for everybody. Primarily, though, people are finding that they’re able to achieve overall homeostasis so much easier with the support of cannabidiol than just on their own.
When the body achieves homeostasis, this means that all biological functions are working just as they are meant to. This allows you to feel your absolute best, inside and out. From stress to hunger and mood, all of these reactions are better controlled when you find that inner balance. Unfortunately, doing this isn’t always easy. With CBD, that’s a different story.
Inside the body, CBD will start to target the areas that aren’t functioning as they should. Again, CBD isn’t necessarily replicating these functions; rather, it is signaling for the body to do it on its own. For example, if you’re overly stressed and producing more cortisol, a stress hormone, than you should be, CBD does its best to combat that. Studies have found that CBD can help slow the production of such hormones, allowing the body to properly calm down rebalance.
When consuming consistently enough, the body starts to duplicate these responses on their own. Taking CBD every day has shown best results as it gives the body the chance to adjust to these leveled out reactions. From lowered stress to reduced pain and even stimulated appetite, wherever your body is thrown off whack, CBD is going to target. This holistic result is exactly why so many people have been able to experience transformative results with CBD.
The therapeutic value of CBD is different for everybody because everyone’s body acts differently. The way your ECS may react to CBD might be the opposite as your best friend or even your mother. For many, the most obvious result of CBD consumption is that of relaxation. Often, muscle tension reduction, pain relief, and stress relief are the most common benefits, leaving CBD to be quite an attractive option for all you up-tight, stress-filled people out there.
Finding Inner Balance With CBD
As we’ve stressed, the science behind both CBD and the ECS is still quite new, and there’s a lot we have yet to learn. What we do know, however, is proving to be incredibly beneficial for so many people. At a time where many of us are looking for healthier, more natural alternatives to feeling our best, learning about CBD is more than promising.
Whether you’re hoping to achieve inner balance or simply lower your stress levels even just a little, when CBD pairs with your endocannabinoid system, there’s no telling what the values are that you may experience.